Approach & Services:
Three Functions, One Solution
Different threats and needs interlink. Addressing this reality, case by case we combine the three necessary functions of legal/compliance, protection, and intelligence into one compact, decisive solution. ​Particularly to serve the following purposes:
Intelligence, Investigations, and Due Diligence
opposition research (e.g. against hostile competition, former business partners or litigants)
court and other litigation/proceedings (witness search, evidence collection,...)
general risk management or the countering of current threats
market operations
transactions (M&A,…)
claims management support, asset protection&recovery
on-site due diligence
supply chain due diligence
trade compliance and due diligence (OFAC, BIS/EAR, EU,…)
​​Counter Threat Operations
Counter Intelligence (identification of internal human threats,...)
proactive management of threats
Compliance/Risk Management Projects
risk assessments
trade compliance programs
technology control plans
corporate security concepts
other security concepts
Security Operations
close protection for critical business occasions at home and abroad
courier services for sensitive commercial or technological assets
Education and Training
management seminars (relation management towards authorities; preventing, detecting, reacting to industrial espionage and white-collar crime; export compliance best practices;...)
employee education (travel security, compliance processes for export functions;...)
training (situational awareness and behavior in dangerous situations;...)
All from Austria - into the world. Thanks to our strategic partner RSB International and its global network of assets and capabilities. (RSB International is an American consulting, lobbying, and private intelligence firm; and member of the Dentons Global Advisors network.)
Request your consultation call to reflect on suitable solutions via:
& Origins:
A Conglomerate With Foresight
At times, foresight and insight command to act in advance:
What is needed today was forged years ago.
Initiated by a transatlantic Trade League, in the mid-2010s, a group of established and internationally experienced actors came together in Vienna to form a compact conglomerate (“the Conglomerate”). A personal conglomerate of well-coordinated, trusting attorneys, international trade experts, investment bankers, entrepreneurs, and (former government) security professionals. With business and operational experience in Europe, USA, Mexico, Asia, Africa and South America.​
Already back then did the personalities behind this conglomerate carry the insight and foresight to
anticipate the coming crisis years,
derive the resulting consequences for companies and individuals, and
decided to develop a corresponding special service organization in Austria, but with global reach.
To realize this decision
​(a) the Conglomerate identified and acquired a suitable, established security and investigation company (“Eventus”),
(b) supplemented it commercially with corporate consulting,
(c) integrated it into its US partner network, and
(d) developed it further in the areas of compliance, protection, and intelligence.
In doing so, in 2018, this conglomerate created the “Eventus CPI” with foresight.
What is now unchartered territory for most (even advanced, successful) Austrian companies - from geopolitical risks and changing compliance requirements to direct threats - is routine for the Eventus CPI. We turn your challenges into ours; then transform them into solutions.